Bolier Inspecction

One of the critical points of energy sector are steam generation trough power boilers operation. Endalloy has the experience and background to address different relevant areas of different components related with power boilers such as:


* Low thickness tubing (as low as 2.1 mm) weld inspection using Phased Array ultrasonic technique when a section of a tube needs to be replaced

* Inspection of new welds during tubing replacement in one of the reheaters of a boiler


* Direct Visual Inspection and Assisted inspection using MT and PT of headers and critical piping systems (main steam, hot reheat, cold reheat piping systems), headers at different locations in the boiler (reheaters, superheaters, economizer, steam drum).
Picture shows internal cracking emerging from economizer holes to the external surface. A combination of corrosion and thermal fatigue in the economizer inlet header.

Remaining life assessment


Different techniques are employed to establish the remaining life of pressure component inside the boiler. Ultrasonic Thickness measurement, diameter variations, visual inspection and microstructure evaluation, ultrasonic phased array and TOFD are techniques employed during the examination. Results are compiled and analysis is conducted to produce a final report for managers take corrective actions in case are needed.

Picture shows micro voids located at grain boundaries.